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5 Dec 2018


We decided to visit Isla Manceraa. A small island of the cost of Niebla. We wanted to see the forts, fuerte, in Niebla so we decided to do a visit to the fort, then go to the island to visit the "sister" fort across the bay.

It was supposed to be a stress free day with only 20-some kms on the books it was looking up.

The 18km ride to Niebla was in eventful. We negotiated the road like pros, our at least I thought so, and even though there were no shoulders and a curb we made good time.

Arriving in Niebla

We scooted into the main ferry terminal and got the lowdown on the schedule to Isla Mancera. We decided on the 1pm crossing,takes 15 min. And costs 60ยข each... Including our loaded bicycles!

Fuerte Niebla was the main battery for the spanish who invaded this area.

Getting to Isla Mancera

The tide was out so we had to walk our bikes down about 10 steps of metal grating and wait to be the last, or near the last, one on.

There was a simple rope looped around one of the steps to prevent the boat from drifting away and we rolled on our bikes through the narrow passage way.

We arrived... Now what.

There are no roads because vehicles are not permitted. There is one flagstone path up away from the dock.

We got to the top and turned left looking for a camp site. We saw 4 entrances in a row with derelict signs askew and rusty locked gates.

Camping, with an arrow pointing toward a securely padlocked gate.

We found 1gate open and the sound of a whipper snipper. Bob and I went in and asked about camping.

Camping Una Noche por favor?

And we had a site.


the sheep ( Anna went around and picked up the poop)

The chickens, with about 8 chicks.

5 ducklings

Laying hens and rooster.

An empty bee hive

Green house

We set up and went for a walk on the beach.

Interestingly enough when we returned there was another tent set up!

Having a Shower

Bicycling makes you sweat and waking on the beach also makes you hot and sweaty.

The only thing is that they only have cold showers. They collect the rain water and us it for showering.

I think Anna, the owner, heard me in the shower... I may have screeched a little.

I heard a knock at the door...


Aqua Caliente


I did get a warm shower after all!

She handed me, eyes averted, two 2- litre bottles of hot water.