Had another great day. Stephane, the owner of Antema Lodge, from Montreal, gave us a tip that there was a bike lane for us to follow. Thank you Stephane.

it was lovely, safe and out of traffic.

Antema lodge pool.

Antema Lodge Pura Vide

We followed until we took a turn where there was a significant water crossing.

Bob thought it was too high, hip high, and a good flow so we decided to head back to the main road. This caused us to do an additional 10km than we planned.

Here you can see the bike lane we travelled on.

I got a visitor while biking! A stick bug!

i looked down and there they were on my hands bars. I let out a screech and Bob took the bug and gently put him in some tall grass.

we were bushed when we landed in Marbella with no place to stay. We tried a couple of places with no luck but Gary recommended Marbella Surf Inn.

We rolled in looking like a couple of vagrants. Hot, sweaty and tired after 50 km and the last 5 km really testing out mettle.

i think we were the only people there.

Bob went to the local super Marcado, very close by for beer, tortilla wraps, beans and corn and we made our own tacos.

Then we flopped into bed.

I’m astounded at how hot I can get. How sweaty I can get and how tired I can get.

Today because at the end of the day there were steep hills, short down glides and more steep hills, I reverted to walking 20 steps then resting, then walking 20 steps and resting. Bob would go up ahead, Park his bike then come back and walk my bike up.

Then at the end of the day after a shower your body just seems to forget how hot, tired and sweaty you were.