14 Nov

Our first rain day

This area of Chiloé is known for its rain and records shows it get 2.2 m of rain a year. We experienced some of that. It was rainy and windy but thankfully the wind was with us.

You have to be vigilant when cycling on highways and Ruta 5, the Pan Am hwy, is no different. About every 30 minutes a clutch of cars and trucks passed. I think it coincides with the ferry onto the island as there is only one route South on Chiloé.

There was, mostly, a good shoulder and we pulled over to let some trucks go by.

We stayed at Ecoturismo Los Manzanos. They had a cabin available. A welcome refuge after a day in the rain.

Before leaving for Castro we had a chance to hike a jungle trail at Turismo Los Manzanos. It looks like the owner Guillermo, hacked a path thru the jungle!

The ground was spongelike and the trees were magnifico.