Day one.

WE wanted an easy day so we decided to have a short day. There were 2 very steep climbs. And by that I mean I had to walk my bike, or at least decided to walk my bike, while Bob pedaled on a head.

The road was paved and there was light traffic. Not to many cars or buses. At one point however, a pilot vehicle stopped Bob and told us to get off the road because a swimming pool was coming by.

At first Bob saw the flashing out of the corner of his eye he thought that it was the police who were going to say, you need more reflectors, or lights. But he said, "there's a big swimming pool coming" then he sped off. We served into the ditch and looked behind us to see a very big pool strapped to a trailer zooming up the road.

It took up the entire road and on coming traffic also had to veer into their shoulder to avoid the side of the pool.

We did have to try to out run some rain which we did successfully and landed safely at the kaukapakapa Hotel.